原 中國普洱茶網(wǎng) 整體品牌升級,更名為「茶友網(wǎng)」


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The older the tea, the better. It's a cliche. After the baptism of time, time has become a master of tea making. Because with the precipitation of time, tea becomes more tender and gentle, with a woody flavor, Chen Xiangyuan, full and mellow taste, slightly sweet.



Old tea is known as an antique that can be drunk, and Chen is the most valuable. If the new tea is compared to a young woman with thousands of manners and customs, then the old tea is like a person who has experienced tempering and has great ability.



Since the 1990s, the custom of drinking old tea has become more and more popular. Poria tea has been sought after by many tea friends for its special fragrance. For those who love to taste old tea, old tea is a kind of tea with memory precipitation, which is the taste of time accumulation.



Ancient proverbs say, "The food of fishy meat is not tea, the heat of barley is not tea, but puzzling", "One day without tea is stagnant, three days without tea is disease". During the storage of old tea, slow and complex changes have taken place in various contents, such as the oxidation of polyphenols, the slow decomposition of theaflavins, caffeine, amino acids and other substances, which have changed the composition of the substances in Poria tea, resulting in changes in aroma, soup color and taste.



Old tea alcohol and Chen Xiang have stronger effect of "tea gas". Tea tasters have a feeling of light sweat, boiling face and body as light as swallow, which is described as the effect of medicine.



?Because of the strong adsorption of tea, the storage environment should be "ventilated, dry and odorless", so that the old tea can be preserved for a long time in the process of storage. Old tea is post-fermented tea. The longer it is stored, the more mellow, sweet and fragrant it will be. With the passage of time, the older the tea, the higher its economic value, and there is no shelf life, therefore, personalized customization, wedding anniversary, celebration commemoration. Collection of gifts, emotional expression, long-term preservation.



A good cup of old tea, rich and pleasant taste, strong and vigorous tea, lasting and long aroma. For people who love old tea, old tea is a kind of tea with memory. It tastes mellow and has no slight sense of water. The fragrance of old tea at the entrance of tea soup slowly disperses, especially when it comes to the throat, it is more smooth and soft, and has a faint aftertaste and endless aftertaste. Old tea is not easy to drink and cherish.




The older the tea, the better. It's a cliche. After the baptism of time, time has become a master of tea making. Because with the precipitation of time, tea becomes more tender and gentle, with a woody flavor, Chen Xiangyuan, full and mellow taste, slightly sweet.



Old tea is known as an antique that can be drunk, and Chen is the most valuable. If the new tea is compared to a young woman with thousands of manners and customs, then the old tea is like a person who has experienced tempering and has great ability.



Since the 1990s, the custom of drinking old tea has become more and more popular. Poria tea has been sought after by many tea friends for its special fragrance. For those who love to taste old tea, old tea is a kind of tea with memory precipitation, which is the taste of time accumulation.



Ancient proverbs say, "The food of fishy meat is not tea, the heat of barley is not tea, but puzzling", "One day without tea is stagnant, three days without tea is disease". During the storage of old tea, slow and complex changes have taken place in various contents, such as the oxidation of polyphenols, the slow decomposition of theaflavins, caffeine, amino acids and other substances, which have changed the composition of the substances in Poria tea, resulting in changes in aroma, soup color and taste.



Old tea alcohol and Chen Xiang have stronger effect of "tea gas". Tea tasters have a feeling of light sweat, boiling face and body as light as swallow, which is described as the effect of medicine.



?Because of the strong adsorption of tea, the storage environment should be "ventilated, dry and odorless", so that the old tea can be preserved for a long time in the process of storage. Old tea is post-fermented tea. The longer it is stored, the more mellow, sweet and fragrant it will be. With the passage of time, the older the tea, the higher its economic value, and there is no shelf life, therefore, personalized customization, wedding anniversary, celebration commemoration. Collection of gifts, emotional expression, long-term preservation.



A good cup of old tea, rich and pleasant taste, strong and vigorous tea, lasting and long aroma. For people who love old tea, old tea is a kind of tea with memory. It tastes mellow and has no slight sense of water. The fragrance of old tea at the entrance of tea soup slowly disperses, especially when it comes to the throat, it is more smooth and soft, and has a faint aftertaste and endless aftertaste. Old tea is not easy to drink and cherish.


從傳統(tǒng)文化中汲取開創(chuàng)力量,在延續(xù)文化血脈中開拓前進(jìn)。8月2日,由四川蒙頂山理真茶業(yè)有限公司主辦的“文化共茗 致敬開創(chuàng)——中國有茗堂文化公益系列活動”第二場在重慶金蝶軟件有限公司成功舉辦。雅安市名山區(qū)國有資產(chǎn)投資經(jīng)營有限責(zé)任公司副總經(jīng)理宋希霖、四川蒙頂山理真茶業(yè)有限公司總經(jīng)理翟俐麗出席本場公益活動。

(“文化共茗 致敬開創(chuàng)——中國有茗堂文化公益活動”第二站在重慶金蝶軟件有限公司成功舉辦)一場奇妙的相遇:千年蒙頂山茶文化遇上中國IT行業(yè)領(lǐng)軍者 以傳統(tǒng)文化作為紐帶,當(dāng)秉承茶祖開創(chuàng)精神,弘揚(yáng)蒙頂山茶千年文化的四川的理真茶業(yè)與中國軟件行業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)廠商相遇,會發(fā)生怎樣的奇妙化學(xué)反應(yīng)?有哪些行業(yè)創(chuàng)見被彼此吸收借鑒?雅安市名山區(qū)國有資產(chǎn)投資經(jīng)營有限責(zé)任公司副總經(jīng)理宋希霖、主辦方四川蒙頂山理真茶業(yè)有限公司總經(jīng)理翟俐麗與重慶金蝶軟件有限公司總經(jīng)理張穎等企業(yè)高管開展了一次文化交流。

















據(jù)了解,“文化共茗 致敬開創(chuàng)——中國有茗堂文化公益系列活動”啟動以來,川渝地區(qū)已有數(shù)十家企業(yè)踴躍報名,甚至有大型企業(yè)表示將邀請合作單位代表參與,讓更多的人分享此次文化大餐。此次文化公益系列活動除了重慶站,接下來還將在成都一些知名企業(yè)舉辦。




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