

The cultural history of Pu''er Tea
Pu''er Tea rose up in the Eastern Han Dynasty, turned into comity in the Tang Dynasty, began to be popular in the Sing Dynasty, as finalized in the Ming Dynasty and was prospered in Qing Dynasty with a history of thousand of years. Pu''er Tea tea was originally named by its central trading area, in 1729 Qing government had first established an administrative zone named Pu''er Tea zone in Yunnan. From the 1970’s, Pu''er Tea become hot in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and so on. Pu''er Tea is hot because its habitat of high elevation and fogy growing environment, in is pollution-free in nature, is mellow in taste and long in the aftertaste; Moreover, the unique manufacture, transportation, packaging of Pu''er Tea made it become a unique second fermenting tea, thus has formed it’s the unique crusted fragrance and the health care function.
Keep drinking the crusted Pu''er Tea, a way to good health
1. 清•趙學(xué)敏《本草綱目拾遺》(1765年)“普洱茶醒酒第一,消食化痰,清胃生津,功力尤大也;又具性溫味甘,解油膩牛羊毒,下氣通泄”。
2. 法國巴黎圣安東尼醫(yī)學(xué)院臨床系艾樂•卡羅比教授經(jīng)對40例,高血壓病患者服用普洱茶進(jìn)行觀察,體重減輕顯著者達(dá)40%以上,甘油三脂增高患者13例有10例顯著下降;膽固醇高患者16例中有50%有顯著效果;類脂化合物下降者達(dá)33.4%的比例。
3. 法國巴黎貝納爾賈可托教授曾經(jīng)給20位血脂肪過高的病人,一天喝三碗云南普洱茶,一個月后,發(fā)現(xiàn)病人血液中的脂肪降低了13%,血液中的酒精含量也降低了,而飲同樣數(shù)量的其它茶的病人血脂肪則無變化。
4. 臺灣大學(xué)孫璐西教授研究還發(fā)現(xiàn)普洱茶抑制膽固醇在肝臟中的深合成達(dá)41%,增加龔便中排除達(dá)66%。
5. 西南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)茶葉研究所近年來與中國人民解放軍301醫(yī)院,第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)等醫(yī)學(xué)機(jī)構(gòu)合作,對老年性高膽固醇血癥治療作用及普洱茶安全等進(jìn)行了深入研究,結(jié)果表明普洱茶對老年性高膽固醇血癥有明顯的治療作用,根據(jù)WTO推薦毒理學(xué)類型,屬于非有毒的范圍。
1. Zhao Minxue of Qing dynasty written in “Benzao Gangmu Shiyi”: Pu''er Tea tastes bitter, reduce the fat and the poisonous lf cattle…cleans the intestines to help releases.
2. Doctor Amilcarobi of the Paris Saint Antony medicine department found that above 40% of 40 cases of illness drank the Yunnan Pu''er Tea in the test, have lose their weight by various degrees, 10 of 13 cases were rather well in reducing the lipoid, and33.4% to 50% has various effects in reducing the three acids glyceride, the cholesterol, the blood uric acid and so on.
3. Professor Bell Ketuo in French Paris had treated 20 cases of high blood fat by dinking three bowls of Yunnan Pu''er Tea every day, after a month, he found the cases reduced the blood fat by 13%, alcohol content in the blood ethyl also reduced, but the ills drank the similar quantity other teas had no change in blood far
4. Professor Sun Luxi of Taiwan University had studied and found that Pu''er Tea can suppressed the cholesterol by 41% in the liver, increases to removeby 66%.
5. Tea research institute of southwest agricultural college cooperates with the CPLA 301 Hospital in recent years to research on the treatment of the senile high cholesterol blood sickness in relating to the safety of Pu''er Tea , results indicated that Pu''er Tea has the obvious treatment to the senile high cholesterol blood sickness, according to the WHO’S recommendation on toxicology type, Pu''er Tea belongs to the safe non-toxic scope.
The deferent Kinds of Pu''er Tea Products
Pu''er Tea can be divided in the antique tea (before 1938), the labeling tea (from 1938 to 1967), the Chitse cake tea (since 1967 up till now ) and so on, and then still can be divided into the brick tea, the cake tea, the ball tea and so on in deferent patterns, we can distinguish the quality of Pu''er Tea is high or not basing on the “Four secrets in buying Pu''er Tea” and the Six “not to” policies in selecting Pu''er Tea. Four secrets in buying puer: Clear in smell, it must be clear, cannot have the mildew smell; Pure in color, it is dark brown like jujube instead of the black paint like; Right in storing, it is stored in the dry warehouse, cannot be deposited in the moist; soup, its soup tea temperature and mellow, instead of the mixed flavors .six “not” policies in selecting Pu''er Tea; 1, not to take the wrong manufacturing year as the range pole; 2, not to consider the forge packaging as the ture; 3, not to take the depth of soup color as the excuse; 4, not to get missed by added flavor of tea; 5, nit to summon the moisture and warehouse of tea; 6, not to consider by the age and variety of tea tree.
The deference of ripe Pu''er Tea and mature Pu''er Tea
1.生 茶:原茶性、原茶味、利用時間來陳化轉(zhuǎn)變,實現(xiàn)越陳越香的價值
2.熟 茶:原茶性、已改味,改味就是利用發(fā)酵原理,致使生茶之刺激性做適當(dāng)退化。
1. Ripe Pu''er Tea: The original nature, the original nature, the original taste of tea needs a rather long time to ferment into crusted fragrant Pu''er Tea.
2. Mature tea: The original nature and taste of tea has naturally changed by the fermentation.
3. Moistens piling Pu''er Tea: The original tea has artificially changed by the quick fermentation, which is non-irritant in flavor but not so good as the mature Pu''er Tea.
How to drink fine Pu''er Tea
Tea is one kind of ancient and civilized beverage, China is the earliest country to discover and apply “tea” in the world, tea has now become one of the three major beverages in the world. Supposed to observe the soup color in drinking the high quality Pu''er Tea tea at first: The Pu''er Tea tea appears the different change in the water color because of the deference of fermenting degree and time, if it is the new and ripe Pu''er Tea, the tea soup is thick, and the flavor is greenish in taste; the old Pu''er Tea is insufficient in the aftertaste, but the bitter and astringent flavor has already desalinated because the fermenting time is not so long as the quest; if it is the real crusted Pu''er Tea, the color, the fragrance, the flavor are all the best in testing.
The high quality Pu''er Tea needs abort 5 grams in each steep; it can continuously steep for 15 times. The length of steeping time directly affects the flavor of tea soup. Before the steep, the pressed Pu''er Tea had better first to be unwrap for 1-2 week in advance to awake the nature of tea; as for the brick tea, cake tea, ball tea the unwrap can be shorter, otherwise the density of soup that these teas steep out will too heavy to taste. Lt certainly can rest on personally favorites to steep Pu''er Tea to suit your taste is ok.
In Drinking the Pu''er Tea , besides to view soup color and to control the steeping time, to smell the fragrance is also very important, the fragrance of Pu''er Tea is deferent to the clear fragrance Taiwan high mountain tea, the fragrance of new Pu''er Tea is slightly similar to that of the Taiwan tea, only because the Pu''er Tea needs the affiliation by the air in the right amount of moisture content, which acts as the second fermentation, to achieve the crusted fragrance, therefore the fragrance Pu''er Tea is the aromatic compound which tea itself includes that affects by the length of storing time and the environment. This crusted fragrance is good or not can be identified by the smell inspiration during the steeping. Finally supposed to observe the bottom in drinks the high quality Pu''er Tea , namely to use the finger to pinches the tea bottom to identify the tea is delicate or not.
The deposit of Pu''er Tea
普洱茶存放方式多種多樣,實際上只需將茶品置放在干凈通風(fēng)處即可,“人可住茶就可以放”。一般不要讓太陽直接照射,不要置放在冰箱里,不要放在密封、真空罐,更不要將茶品裝箱密封置放固定不通風(fēng)處,越陳越香需在干凈 通風(fēng)的處所,方能達(dá)到加分之效。
Pu''er Tea is lf various methods in depositing, in fact it only needs to de stored in a clean and ventilating place then, “where person can live to be allowed to deposit Pu''er Tea”. Generally do not have the direct solar radiation, do not place in the refrigerator, do not put into the seal and vacuum tank.
The international auction value of Pu''er Tea
國際貿(mào)易廣州春秋優(yōu)質(zhì)茶評比會于2002年11月24日展開,此次參展的茶葉生產(chǎn)戶共壹百多家,參加評比的茶葉種類有183種,經(jīng)過評委會嚴(yán)格的審選,有五個茶王應(yīng)運而生,并舉行了普洱茶王的現(xiàn)場拍賣會,結(jié)果相當(dāng)令人驚訝,100克普洱茶王以人民幣(RMB)16.8萬元的天價賣出,獲得年度茶王的稱號,普洱茶王拍賣由中國知名中意拍賣公司進(jìn)行,并由女拍賣師曾燕萍小姐執(zhí)追主拍,此次拍賣成為歷史以來拍賣價格最高的茶葉品種,并一舉打破2001年拍賣會中“鐵觀音茶王”所創(chuàng)下的12萬元記錄。1998年5月20日臺灣舉辦第一屆國際普洱茶展,會中展示百年同慶號青餅,每片300克拍賣,成交價50萬元(臺幣),(人民幣12. 5萬元),頓時云南普洱茶成為國際新聞。中國名人魯迅后代于2004年春拍賣3公克普洱茶,成交價為人民幣12000元(等于1斤500克需200萬元)。普洱茶的價值已由流行而成為養(yǎng)身價值,品飲人口正慢慢推廣開來。
The Guangzhou international spring and autumn high quality tea trade fair held up in November 24, 2002, there were more than 100 tea producers participated in this fair, a caution of Pu''er Tea king tea was also .held up at the same time, the result of caution was quite amazing. 100 gram of Pu''er Tea king tea sold by a deal price of 168,000 RMB Yuan, set down a highest record of tea auction since which the “Tie kwan Yin king tea” had created a record of 120,000 RMB Yuan in 2001.
On May 20 of 1998, Taiwan had held up the first international Pu''er Tea fair, the 100-year-old Tong Qing tea cakes auctioned by a deal price 5000,000 Taiwan Yuan (equal to RMB 125,000 Yuan) at each piece of 300 gram, Yunnan Pu''er Tea become the international news at the fair.
The generation of the famous Chinese celebrity Lu Xun had auctioned 3 gram, Pu''er Tea in the spring of 2004,the deal price is RMB 12,000 Yuan in total. Pu''er Tea is become popular more and more.
   普洱茶生產(chǎn)歷史悠久,南宋李石《續(xù)博物志》記載:“西藩之用普茶,已自唐朝?!蔽鞣侵妇幼≡诳挡氐貐^(qū)的兄弟民族,普茶就是普洱茶??梢娫缭谔拼陀衅斩璧馁Q(mào)易了。清代趙學(xué)敏《本草綱目拾遺》寫道:“普洱茶出云南普洱府,……產(chǎn)攸樂、革登、倚邦……六茶山?!逼斩船F(xiàn)在的普洱縣,是當(dāng)時滇南的重鎮(zhèn), 周圍各地所產(chǎn)茶葉運至普洱府集中加工,再運銷康藏各地,普洱茶因此得名?,F(xiàn)在,云南西雙版納、思茅等地仍盛產(chǎn)普洱茶。
普洱茶是用優(yōu)良品種云南大葉種,采摘其鮮, 經(jīng)殺青后揉捻曬干的曬青茶(滇青)為原料,經(jīng)過潑水準(zhǔn)積發(fā)酵(漚堆)的特殊工藝加工制成。
普洱散茶外形條索粗壯肥大,色澤烏潤或褐紅 (俗稱豬肝色),滋味醇厚回甘,并具有獨特的陳香。普洱茶,歷來被認(rèn)為是一種具有保健功效的飲料。現(xiàn)經(jīng)國內(nèi)外有關(guān)專家的臨床試驗證明,普洱茶具有降低血脂、減肥、抑菌、助消化、暖胃、生津、止渴、醒解毒等多種功效。因此,普洱茶在日本、法國、德國、 意大利、香港、澳門等國家和地區(qū)有“美容茶”、“減肥茶”、“益壽茶”和“窈窕茶”之美稱。
It is processed in handpicked high quality Yunnan Pu Er Tea through scientific mixing and extracting with modern high and new technology. It has rufous outside color. The hot water color is clear and red bright with pure taste and full-bodied fragrance. It has the unique color, fragrance and taste of Pu Er Tea.
As one of the ten major teas in China, Pu''er Tea has a special place in the country''s tea history. The ancient tea road may submerge in history. However, tea has already become an essential part of local people’s lives.
The Pu''er Tea village, located in Southwest Yunnan''s Simao County, is the main production and distribution base for the Pu''er Tea . Local people has a tradition of producing tea, selling tea, making tea and tasting tea, a tradition that can be traced as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220).
In an ordinary people''s house, one can see stele, couplets and paintings hung in the living room. The characters on them, however, are not written by ink but by tealeaves. Senior people sit in the courtyard, where the tea trees grow, and play the Chinese chess while sipping tea. The chessman is made from tealeaves, too.
On festive occasions, some people might buy a bucket of tea and store it in the cellar for many years before giving it as a gift to friends. At present, a 12-kilometer-long ancient tea road is still preserved well and local people want to build a teahouse in ancient style as a tourist attraction.
In a village, Kunlushan, some families designate four to twenty tea trees and take care of them in their spare time. In the village school, a teacher who teaches nature course will often raise questions about tea to his students. They also climb to the mountains and take some tealeaves and make them into samples in the school’s exhibits
Also know as PU-ERH and PU-ER
PU''RE is the original spelling but it has been anglicized several times during its westward expanding use. It is manufactured in the Pu''re tea district of southern Yunnan Province in China. It takes its name from the small city of Pu-er and is only a few hundred miles from the Laos and Burma border.
This tea is well known throughout the medicine shops of China, and is highly regarded for its medicinal qualities as a digestive and nerve stimulant. The leaves have a marked bitterness. They are plucked, panned, sun-dried, and steamed; after which they are either allowed to remain in leaf form or they are pressed into circular cakes of varying diameters. Cake tea is the most ancient form of manufacture of tea and it has come down through hundreds of years to the present time. A method of preparing this tea was described by Lu Yu in the first book on tea, published in China about the year 780 A.D. In cake form it is interesting to note that the cake tea of Lu Yu was wrapped in bamboo for the sake of transportation and is still done that way to this date for the high quality P’uerhs.
P’uerh tea liquor has a flavor unlike any other tea in the world. It is somewhat earthy in flavor (not repulsive at all) and has a long lasting flavor profile within the mouth or palate area. Poor grades can become very harsh and, as mentioned above, bitter. Top grades are smooth, pleasant and sweet.
P’uerh is one of "The Tea Man’s" favorite teas and certainly the world''s most unique.
Pu’Er is a large leafed tea from the Yunnan province in China and has been famous as a medicinal tea. The earliest records of Pu’Er tea date back to the Tang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) when it was the favorite tea of the nobleman of this time. Pu''er Tea over the centuries has been used as a form of currency in China and an important international trading item. Pure tea was at one time very well known in northern Canada among the northern native people, who were trading across the Bering Strait.
Pu’Er tea derives its name from the market town of Pu-er, where it was originally processed and sold, but it is grown on the Nuoshan Mountains. It is said that the unique taste of Pu’Er Tea was developed because it took weeks to transport the tea leaves by horseback to the town to be processed. During this transportation period the tea leaves would begin to ferment in the humidity and release a strong, fragrant aroma, which people found quite pleasant. A special technique of tea fermenting developed and Pu''er Tea was thus created.
The secret of making Pu''er Tea has been closely guarded in China for centuries. The tea leaves are collected from growers of a special broad-leaf tea tree, which are said to be related to ancient prehistoric tea trees. The leaves go through two types of fermentation, which gives this tea its unique characteristics; a mild, but distinctively earthy flavour. Pu''er Tea requires a minimum of 10 years to mature and gets only better with age. Pu''er Tea teas are much like fine wines, which become smoother and more balanced with age. Pu’Er teas are much lower in tannins than other teas due to the special processing method which it undergoes.  
Pu’Er tea has been celebrated since the Tang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) for its health benefits and curative powers in certain diseases. Modern medical science has recently shown that the health benefits of Pu''er Tea may be more than just Chinese folklore. Since 1970 France, Japan and China have been conducting many scientific studies on Pu’Er tea which suggest that it may:
reduce cholesterol in the blood stream
reduce body weight
help to reduce high blood pressure, heart & liver diseases related to high saturated fat diets
detoxify the liver
help prevent intestinal infection, digestive problems and constipation
help to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body due to its anti-oxidants
It is best to use boiling water with Pu''er Tea , so that it will release its earthy flavour. Steeping 2-3 chrysanthemum blossoms with the tea adds a natural sweetness to the tea and will smooth the earthy flavour of the tea.

責(zé)編: cn6831